When the Okaloosa County Inspector General Speaks…Shouldn’t the BOCC Listen?

By D. L. Norris In the August 6, 2019 BOCC monthly meeting, the Director of the Tourist Development Council (TDC), requested the following of the BOCC (copied from the published agenda item #2): Request approval of BooneOakly Production Estimate 18023 in the amount of $553,982 for one print shoot and one digital content shoot in …

Okaloosa County’s East Pass Soap Opera…Like Sand Through an Hour Glass

By D. L. Norris Roughly 10 years ago, the BOCC, at that time, decided to wash their hands of oversight to the Destin East Pass dredge requirements and placed the responsibility solely with the City of Destin. As the only outlet of Choctawhatchee Bay into the Gulf of Mexico, the East Pass has ecological, military, …

Okaloosa County’s Eroding Code Enforcement

By D. L. Norris In no uncertain terms, on the front page of the Okaloosa County Code Enforcement website, is a declaration that Okaloosa County enforces all code. The kicker is, it doesn’t state how well the county goes about doing that. There can be a fine line between utter incompetence and willful neglect. So …

Okaloosa County Plays a Real-life Game of Chicken

By D. L. Norris Around the 2010 time frame, the urban hipster locavore movement was sweeping the country, pushing for cities to allow chickens to be raised in urban backyards. The urban hipster movement is a liberal progressive movement and one would think that heavily conservative Okaloosa County would be immune from it; but, that …

Okaloosa County’s Emotional Need to Recycle

By D. L. Norris The secret is out, there is no money in recycling. The global market for recyclable material has collapsed and now, instead of Okaloosa County profiting by being paid for their recyclables, they have to pay others to haul their recyclables away. I’m not an economist, but I do have a basic …