
The Paradise Patriot provides conservative analysis of Okaloosa County, Florida, local government legislative decisions. A few years ago, it came to my attention that my conservative local government was actually making some pretty liberal progressive decisions. The residents of Okaloosa County are overwhelmingly conservative with a large majority registered to vote as Republican. In fact, every elected county commissioner currently seated ran as a Republican. After personally being on the receiving end of one of the Okaloosa County Board of County Commissioners’ liberal progressive decisions, I started watching every commissioner meeting to try and understand why I was blindsided by what had happened. It quickly became obvious that, although the individual commissioners believe they are conservative republicans, they were functioning, as a whole, as a liberal progressive governing body.

I started posting my opinion analysis three years ago for all citizens to read. The basis of my conservative analysis is a belief that the government’s responsibility is to be the servant, not the master, of existing ways and life, and politicians must resist the temptation to transform society and politics. Basically, if we’ve always done it that way, there is probably a good reason why and it should always have a root basis in the U.S. Constitution.

My analytical skill comes from 20 years in the USAF and 11 years in the DAF. I just recently started applying this analytical skill to politics in 2015 leading up to the national presidential election of 2016. I have lived off and on in Okaloosa County since 1973. The views and opinions are solely mine but the facts are on record with the Okaloosa County Clerk of Courts.

D. L. Norris